The Sun in your Birth Chart
Power Vitality Self-Expression Identity
Purpose Creative Impulses Radiance
Fulfilment Sense of self Ego Will
Direction Intent
The bit of Astrology everybody knows
Your Sun sign, or as most people know it star sign, is the most commonly known piece of astrology. In fact, ask most people what their star sign is and they will easily tell you which constellation of the zodiac they fall under, and this is their Sun sign. Using the date of birth alone and popularised in the early 20th century through horoscopes columns, even those with the most basic understanding of astrology, will generally agree that they fit to a certain degree into the archetype of their sun sign.
Not the whole picture
There are some people, however, who are sceptical or question their star sign and for two reasons, either the star sign just doesn’t describe them or more often, it doesn’t give the whole picture. So, it’s important to know, that while your sun/star sign, will describe a major part of who you are, it does not give you the whole picture. We have an additional 9 planets and various markers, amongst many other factors in the birth chart that in describe you in amazing 3D detail.
At the centre of our solar system, the Sun, provide warmth and light to us life here on Earth, and so to within the birth chart it lightens and illuminates a picture of you. The astrology of the Sun sign shows us where you shine brightly, it denotes your core sense of self, how you shine, your ego and your sense of identity. Even more important to bear in mind, is that the Sun tells us what our key purpose is here on earth, or put another way, the kind of person we need to evolve into.
The Sun in the birth chart is progressive, there is an energy to him, especially compared to the inner, hidden influence of the Moon. The progressiveness of the Sun means that he moves to achieve something through the journey of a lifetime. With the Sun, we are always in the process of becoming and this process can also be seen as our hero quest (ignoring the male connotations of the word hero, this idea isn’t about gender). The Hero quest is that nagging idea at the back of our minds, that constantly pulls us towards something we need to do or the person we need to be. Don’t confuse this with career or status, while it can be, the Sun’s hero question can fall into any area of life, as per the house he sits within. The Sun in our chart denotes the self- realisation we need to have as we live on this planet, that being said it is possible to deny the sun’s hero quest, but you will know and feel it strongly, and while it might not be verbally admitted there will be a lost feeling. I always think about the phase I heard, about the Sun ‘You either follow or you wallow’. While the whole chart talks of our life mission and goals, the Sun in the chart lights up the way to this personal realisation.
While most of us know our Sun sign and happily agree we fit main energies of the zodiac sign we fall into, know what part of life he is in your chart, is incredible powerful and also reassuring. Check out the blog on the Sun through the houses, and I’ll describe how you can find out where the Sun is and what this means.